Friday, October 30, 2009


In “only in New York” form, last night I went to a happy hour that Joe won in midtown and followed it with going to a gay bar to watch Donna and Christina Jello wrestle each other.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breath Right

Joe and I went to my first NFL game on Sunday. For a girl who hates to watch any kind of sport on TV, it turns out that I love going to live games, which I now know includes The Giants (especially since they pass out Breath Right Strips and the cold air was “nothing compared to how the rest of the season is going to be like”).

No Spring Chicken

I turned 30 yesterday to finally end the birthday month.

The first birthday toast of sweet berry wine started 3 weeks ago in Napa/San Francisco with my parents, little sister, my best friend, her hubby, my favorite married couple, and my boyfriend.

Then came the night of close friends, tacos, tequila, champagne (in a can) and compliments of Donna and Suzanne, one too many shots.

As if that weren't enough, I started the actual birthday day with Donna, lobster and black truffle mac n cheese then ended it with Joe, caviar deviled eggs, yellowfin tuna and wild boar lasagna.

If my birthday month is any indication, my 30’s are going to be chock-full of many cocktails, great wine, great food and great company.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Party at the Plaza Hotel

Its legal according to Martha.

(and that girl knows how to throw a party!!)

Thursday, October 8, 2009


My friend Rob made up a word last week; awksome.

Awksome: -adjective

1. Awkward for you while being awesome for me.

Robs example: “Watching Joe meet your dad for the first time is going to be awksome.”

(pictured is our modern Shakespeare, Rob)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm Back (a bit, anyways)

My reasoning for stopping my blog was a mixture of wanting to be an author someday and not wanting to blow my wad on this stupid blog, having my camera stolen, and simply not giving a shit. But for those of you who have been annoyed by logging onto this site and seeing this dumb last post about the Girl Scout cookies over and over; you’re welcome.

Most notable since my last post, I am an aunt to this little girl,

I’ve been dating this wonderful guy,
and I’m the new owner of this thing (the camera, not the mountain range).

No promises for an updated blog at all times, but if something worth writing about comes my way, I’ll try to do better at posting stuff.