Friday, March 20, 2009

Modern Dance

Last night I went to a Danspace Project performance to see Doug's boyfriend dance. I'm not a fan of ballet, let alone modern dance. It was only the second time that I've been to a modern dance performance and its the first time that I actually stayed to the end. Not being a critic or even someone who appreciates modern dance, the only word I can think of to describe it is entertaining.

When my niece, Grace practices modern dance however, mesmerizing seems the more appropriate description.

(I don't know what I like more about this video; my sister holding back the laughter or baby Madeline popping in the shot)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gig ‘Em… whatever that means

This morning I gave up my seat on the subway for a very pregnant woman. I'm not writing this to sound like a good samaritan. I'm writing this because more than half of those seated around me were men and for the first time that I can recall, I miss the men in College Station, Texas.
Granted, they also say "ma’am" to 19 year old girls, they have no problem yelling at you should you accidentally walk on the grass, and their idea of a good time is chasing their dip with a pitcher of beer at the Dixie Chicken. Regardless, I spent 4 years riding Texas A&M shuttles and I think that its safe to say that I never stood while a man sat. Here in New York chivalry is dead; at least in public transport.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I don't have a picture to accompany this entry, which is actually quite appropriate.
Last night I went to a lecture by the New York Times perfume critic, Chandler Burr. The nerd side of me came out as it was an enlightening evening where I learned first hand the reason that Tide cost more than any other detergent (the patented added scent), why the process of creating perfumes is not too far off from prescription drugs, and why synthetics are more valuable than natural materials in perfume.
Most shockingly, we learned some of the "old school" processes of how a particular molecule was literally extracted from a tortured cat's rectum. I also learned that my nose smells Chanel No. 5 as "my Grandma; so either Chanel No. 5 or Oscar de la Renta", the additive to all detergents as "a clean floor" and the fragrance Cool Water as "a good looking man".
The evening inspired me to branch off from the only scent I've worn for over 6 years and to see (or smell rather) that there is an artist in a perfumer. It also made me feel normal surrounded by a room of people who also have way too much fun in Sephora or the Duty Free.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Erin Go Bragh

This is going to have to cut it since I have a hole in my wardrobe in the green department. If it weren’t for Heidi’s cookie delivery, I would have really been screwed.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Recap

Saturday began with endless mimosas (and a blue shot) at Bondi Road with Suzanne, Deena and the other Erin.

And it ended with 8 hours of drinking at Black Mountain wine bar in Brooklyn with Jamie, Maria, John and Gonzalo.

In turn, Sunday was spent on my couch with this fat guy.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Armory

After dim sum, Doug, Deena and I went to The Armory Show on Pier 94 where we saw a lot of fantastic art.

And a lot of very strange art.


Sandwiched between brunches, dinners and finally running outdoors; I was a dog sitter for Donna and Kat’s puppy, Berkley. It was surprisingly enjoyable walking Berkley around the Lower East Side, going at a slow pace, looking in store windows and having an opportunity to talk to cute dog-owning boys.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Brooklyn Cooking

Last night I trekked out to Brooklyn to cook a wonderful dinner with Katie and Doug at Doug’s new apartment. Its big, has a proper balcony, 2 floors, overlooks a park, and is only $200 more than what I pay for a shoebox in the LES. Brooklyn has never looked better; until it came time to go home and it was impossible to find a cab (not to mention the lack of bars on every corner).

Pictured is our homemade feast. I don’t know why we don’t cook more. It’s a lot more fun and significantly cheaper than, say the Allen & Delancey evening Lisa and I had the night before.